3 Şubat 2015 Salı

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"Drawing on the above, the gaze of contemporary surveillance can be viewed as rhizomatic, ‘‘no major population groups stand irrefutably above or outside of the surveillant assemblage’’. Individuals, groups, organizations and governments, across all sectors of society, are involved both as agents and targets of surveillance. Importantly, no central actor can be understood as being ‘‘in power’’ of present-day surveillance; top-down hierarchy does not neatly fit a domain whose boundaries are ever-changing and hazy." 

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‘‘Global surveillance’’ is not the result of a Machiavellian project whose end is to take control over individual minds. The hypothesis of a Big (or even a small) Brother is very far from what [is currently happening]. In fact, the very concept of ‘‘control’’ constitutes a fantasy – that of a radical and ultimate manipulation of individuals. [. . .] This infantile view of surveillance is currently imploding and fissuring due to the proliferation of non-hierarchical, polycentric, and multi-objective surveillance technologies.